New Releases of CreateJS posted!

We are happy to announce that another tagged dot-release of CreateJS has been pushed live to GitHub! We have worked hard on stabilizing the libraries and APIs, and have made lots of great improvements in this release.
Update Robot


  • Updates to mouse interaction, events, and features
  • Lots of documentation updates, corrections, and better code samples
  • Bug fixes, including several identified by the community. Thanks community!

For a full list, check out the VERSIONS.txt in GitHub, or this fancy GitHub comparison.


  • Changed how multiple file definition works. A much easier “alternateExtensions” approach is included
  • Lots of documentation updates, corrections, better code samples, and bug fixes!

GitHub | Comparison


  • External manifests
  • Changes to how basePath works
  • Much better cross-origin support
  • UTF-8 support for text files
  • Lots of documentation updates, corrections, better code samples, and bug fixes!

GitHub | Comparison

As always, there are updated docs and demos in GitHub as well as on the CreateJS website. New versions of all the libraries are published to the Adobe CDN, including a new minified CreateJS file, and a super secret “combined” file for people who want to debug.

Thanks to everyone in the community for the bug reports, suggestions, and feedback. We are super happy with how CreateJS has been received, and it has encouraged us to keep improving the libraries.

5 thoughts on New Releases of CreateJS posted!

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  1. Just want to clear some things up.

    “Lanny McNie · October 1, 2013 at 5:09 pm ·
    Some of the features in the latest version will only work with the latest version of the CreateJS Toolkit, which requires updates to Flash CC. You may be able to use the latest libs with older versions of Toolkit, but you will have to manually update them, and some things may not work — so its not generally recommended.”

    So development for the Toolkit for CreateJs for Flash Pro CS6 non CC is has completed and will never be updated?

    I will never have CC so am I out of luck? What is the best way forward to use the updated libraries?

    • Yes, the panel-based toolkit is no longer under development, and has been mixed into the application workflow, which is only available in CC. You can manually update the actual CreateJS libraries in your project (grab them from GitHub, or the CDN), but they may not make use of some of the more advanced features of the latest release of Toolkit.

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