It has been almost a year since we released the last tagged version of the CreateJS libraries (EaselJS 0.7.1 and friends) – so we are excited to discuss the next version, which we will be tagging on December 12th, 2014. … Continue reading →
Please note that SpriteStage & SpriteContainer classes are now deprecated and have been replaced by the much faster and easier to use StageGL! As WebGL becomes more widely supported in browsers, we’re proud to announce that after working in collaboration with Mozilla, … Continue reading →
We are happy to announce that another tagged dot-release of CreateJS has been pushed live to GitHub! We have worked hard on stabilizing the libraries and APIs, and have made lots of great improvements in this release. EaselJS Updates to … Continue reading →
Over the last few months since the last release of CreateJS, we have been working really hard to increase the overall quality of CreateJS. As a result, we are happy to announce the next version of the CreateJS libraries. This … Continue reading →
A few months back, one of our developers ported EaselJS to run on Node using a 3rd-party drawing API. This provides a server-side solution for rendering EaselJS content. This could be used for something like generating images for a user … Continue reading →
We have gotten great questions from community members (keep them coming). In response to these questions, we have put together a series of tutorials. These tutorials cover a wide range of topics from simple concepts such as rendering a display … Continue reading →