CreateJS Update: New Libraries Available!

Over the last few months since the last release of CreateJS, we have been working really hard to increase the overall quality of CreateJS. As a result, we are happy to announce the next version of the CreateJS libraries. This is not a full version increment, since most of our changes have focused on documentation, examples, tutorials, and code polish.

Please check out the latest versions in GitHub, and on the CDN. We have also released a new CreateJS minified version containing all the latest libraries.
CreateJS Products
EaselJS and EaselJS.MovieClip 0.6.1

  • Lots of documentation updates
  • Much better documentation and examples for Filters, Caching, and other complex topics
  • Minor bug fixes, including some pull requests from the community
  • New examples and tutorials

TweenJS 0.4.1

  • A few new API methods to help clean up
  • Documentation updates

SoundJS 0.4.1

  • A few new API methods to help clean up
  • Tutorials! Addressing some of the more common questions about SoundJS
  • Lots of work on mobile support, including a tutorial to assist
  • Tons of documentation updates

PreloadJS 0.3.1

  • Lots of bug fixes to address older browsers
  • More support for local and cross-domain loading of files, including JSONP support
  • Tons of documentation updates
  • Way better support for complex file paths

Check out the VERSIONS.txt in each repository for a full list of changes.

Thanks again to the community for great feedback, identifying issues, offering suggestions, and creating cool stuff. Keep it up!

6 thoughts on CreateJS Update: New Libraries Available!

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  1. Would you please provide access to the non-obfuscated JSFLs that are the “TOOLKIT FOR CREATEJS”? I located the JSFL’s after installing the extension, but they are unmodifiable in their current state. It seems they were put through a minimizer or obfuscater.

    We have thousands of animations files that we need to process, and though I’m adept at automating Flash, I can’t work with these to modify how they output errors, recover, or modify the FLA files when run. I realize I could make call’s too them from my own JSFLs; however, I’d prefer the option to modify them.

  2. hi there, i used CreateJS to convert a simple flash animation banner to HTML5, however when i went to place the “canvas” code into my website, it didn’t work. I’ve provided the web address, so you can look on the other pages to see the flash animation.

    Maybe you can take a look at the code through the “inspect element” function in chrome and see what’s going on? There’s already a bit of other JavaScript happening on the site, e.g. the mp3 player, and pre-loading rollover functions – maybe that’s interfering?

    Let me know, thanks!

  3. Thanks CreateJS team! I was looking at the Planetary Gary sample in the sandbox, and it looks very similar to something I’m going to be making soon. Could you explain your approach to developing this game a little? Architecture, workflow, process, etc? Just curious. Thanks, again!

  4. I don’t like those demos of EaselJS, most of them are just null. They are simple but ugly, compared to the demos on the official site of ThreeJS.
    Your demos don’t make me feel interesting to use EaselJS.
    But I have to :( My chef found your framework after testing failure in our machine with ThreeJS.
    If possible, maybe you could improve your demos.

  5. Phil – I’m hoping to do a blog post on the architecture of Planetary Gary soon. Thanks for the interest!

    Vivi – Agreed. It would be nice to have prettier demos, and its on our list. Our focus has been on improving the libraries and documentation thus far. We always welcome contributions from our users though, so if you build any pretty demos, please submit them via pull request.

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